Commission Session Minutes


COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                                          MARCH 8, 2023





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the March 8, 2023 Special Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols. 


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.      Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda


3.      Scheduled Business


a.       Tekniam Presentation & Discussion ~ Kevin Griffith, Business Development Representative & Andrew Heaton, CEO

Kevin Griffith, Business Development Representative, and Andrew Heaton, CEO, were present to discuss Tekniam. Mr. Griffith explained that he is in contact with the Oregon broadband office regarding the goals of the State for delivering federal funds for rural broadband to bridge the digital divide.

            Mr. Heaton gave a brief overview of their company and products. Tekniam's two primary focuses are military/ law enforcement/ first responders and last-mile internet solutions like rural broadband.

            First, discussing military/ law enforcement/ first responder focus, Mr. Heaton explained their units are at a significantly lower cost than competing technology. The units can be placed anywhere and connected to a satellite or cellular signal. A device can be attached to the unit and boost the cellular signal. For example, a 12 MB signal can be boosted to an 80 MB signal. They also have dual-band capabilities. The connection distance is 1/4 mile.

            Mr. Heaton discussed their last-mile internet solutions focus. They can deploy in a matter of weeks versus years for fiber. The max theoretical speed is 250 Mbps and typically works to 1/2 to 2/3 in the field. It is durable as it has been tested in conditions of -45°F, windchill of -70°F, and hurricanes. They are 100% made in America and are about a third of the price of fiber. Tekniam assists communities by providing technology, engineering, and the ability to find funding.

            Commissioner Alderson inquired about the unit's connection points and speeds. Mr. Heaton explained that they can start with any connection point, known as the mother node, via fiber, cable, satellite, or cellular tower. The devices can be strung out from the mother node into a checkerboard pattern, a string of pearls, etc. They can be temporary for a first responder situation or permanent for supplying internet access to a neighborhood. The connection distance can jump 3 miles from unit to unit. The units can also be upgraded to jump 20 to 30 miles with a clear line of sight, such as fire towers on mountain tops.

            Commissioner Nichols asked about the reliability of the upgraded unit, which has to have a clear line of sight with heavy smoke, rain, and snow. Mr. Heaton explained that snow and rain are worse than smoke for the connection because it is water. Water could affect any units but is not likely to affect them much.

            Mr. Griffith explained that he has been in contact with Seth Thompson, Oregon State's Broadband Coordinator, and he is aware of the upcoming grant cycle with which there are two grants. One is a Planning Grant, and the other is a Deployment Grant. The Planning Grant will give up to $100,000.00 in funding to create a plan for the full scope of work. The Deployment Grant includes $1.25 Million the State has to disperse to County Municipalities for broadband infrastructure.

            The Commissioners thanked Mr. Griffith and Mr. Heaton for their time.


b.      Executive Session per ORS 192.660(2)(b): To consider the dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent who does not request an open hearing. The Commissioners will return to Regular Session immediately following Executive Session to make a decision. 


The Commissioners returned from Executive Session and discussed the following:


c.       Contract Review Board

1.       Investigator Engagement Agreement:

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Investigator Engagement Agreement with Lori Watson. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


2.       Sage-Grouse Local Implementation Team (LIT): GPS Tracking Purchase Approval: The Baker Sage-grouse Local Implementation Team was approved for a grant by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) to purchase 11 GPS units to track and monitor sage-grouse within Baker County. This important project will assess the potential benefits of raven mitigation strategies on sage-grouse survival, nest success, and habitat use. After much research, the Baker LIT and collaborators identified five companies that could meet the criteria to fit a GPS unit to a sage-grouse hen in the field. Two companies (Vertebrate Systems – Ecotone & e-obs) responded with quotes for GPS units. After reviewing the two quotes for how well they matched the criteria checklist, the Baker Sage-grouse LIT is requesting approval to purchase GPS units through Vertebrate Systems – Ecotone (VS). GPS units developed under (VS) meet all the necessary criteria and are within the LIT's budget through the OWEB grant. The Baker Sage-grouse LIT plans to partner with Oregon State University to place the GPS units on sage-grouse hens.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the purchase of 11 GPS Units from Vertebrate Systems – Ecotone for $ 13,744.50. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


4.      Other Business

a.       None



9.   Adjourn

Commissioner Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

a.    The March 8, 2023 Special Commission Session adjourned at 2:45 p.m.  




Respectfully Submitted,




Erin Linan

Management Assistant