Commission Session Minutes







The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the January 4, 2023 Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.      Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       District Attorney: Staffing Update (See Scheduled Business)

b.      Association of Oregon Counties (AOC): Membership Dues (See Scheduled Business)

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the agenda with changes. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


3.      Citizen’s Participation

a.       None


4.      Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       December 21, 2022 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the December 21, 2022 Commission Session Minutes. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


5.      Scheduled Business

a.    Parks Department Update ~ Doni Bruland, Natural Resources & Parks Director

Ms. Doni Bruland was present to give a department update. The parks will begin open camping in April and close on September 30, 2023. Hewitt Park has a total of 38 camping sites, including 32 with electrical and water hookups. Hewitt Park also has 16 tent sites and one gazebo with electricity that can be rented as a tent site. Holcomb Park has a total of 26 camping sites which all have electrical and water hookups. There are three boat launches at the Parks, with the one at Hewitt Park open year-round. Holcomb is closed when the water level drops. They also have floating docks for moorage, including overnight moorage for campers.

Other Park properties that the department oversees are Bishop Springs Restroom, Fizz Springs, Hells Canyon Information Wayside, Sumpter Valley Dredge Tailings, Wingville Cemetery, Hunt Mountain Property, and the Railroad Depot. Fizz Springs is located above Richland and contains naturally fizzy water. Ms. Bruland believes that the Spring would be a great picnic location and hopes to work with the Commissioners to apply for a grant to improve the water quality and fencing. 

Ms. Bruland discussed upcoming, current, and completed projects. They installed water lines and electrical outlets at each camping site last Spring. The cultural survey for the permanent vault toilet was conducted and will be installed in the Spring. Construction of the storage and office buildings will also be completed. Three life jacket kiosks have been installed, and life jackets are being donated to the parks for use free of charge. Idaho Power is working on a bank stabilization project to prevent the Park’s trailer from falling into the river. They will continue to work on the new drinking water system out of Richland this year.

Natural Resources federal projects include the 30x30 Termination Act, River Democracy Act, BLM Grazing rules, Blue Mountain Forest Plan revision, USFS Travel Management Plan, BLM Forest Management Plan, Powder River Mining EIS, Baker City Watershed Project, Patrick Forestry Project, and the Sumpter Watershed Project. State projects include total daily maximum load, ODFW Travel Management Areas, and upcoming legislative bills. Baker County projects include Haines Rodeo Grounds and Sumpter Valley Dredge Tailing Restoration.  


b.   Sheriff: Dispatch: 911 Dispatch Position Approval: Sheriff Ash was present to discuss hiring a new dispatcher. Currently, a Dispatch Supervisor Position is budgeted but is not being used, and he plans on promoting a current dispatcher to fill the supervisor position. He is requesting to open a 911 Lieutenant Dispatcher position to fill the position of the current dispatcher that will be promoted.   

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve hiring an additional Dispatcher. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


c.       District Attorney: Staffing Update ~ Greg Baxter, DA

District Attorney Greg Baxter was present to discuss the Victim’s Advocate Position salaries in his office. The legalization of marijuana and decriminalization of drugs has significantly impacted the workload for himself and staff as other crime rates have increased. Many cases they see by law require a Victim’s Advocate. Currently, there are two Victim’s Advocate Positions in his office. One is a Victim’s Advocate Specialist and is 100% grant funded. The other is a Victim’s Advocate Officer and is 61% grant funded. The Victim’s Advocate Specialist will be moving into an Office Assistant Position on February 1st as their current office assistant is retiring. He is requesting the Board of Commissioner’s consideration to raise the Victim’s Advocate Specialist salary from a Range 7 to a Range 9 before he opens it for applicants and to raise the Victim’s Advocate Officer from a Range 10 Step 4 to a Range 11 Step 3. The Victim’s Advocate Positions are responsible for handling victim cases that involve various types of abuse and crime. He hopes to attract a stronger candidate pool for the Victim’s Advocate Specialist position and allow room for growth for the current Victim’s Advocate Officer.

Commissioner Alderson explained that a job survey would be conducted this year, and he would like to process the information before making a decision. Commissioner Nichols agreed and stated that the Victim’s Advocate Position is extremely important and that they need the right candidate.


d.      Association of Oregon Counties (AOC): Membership Dues: The Association of Oregon Counties membership is up for renewal. The membership fee for 2023 is $18,710.23. The membership fee for 2022 was $20,239.03 and included the Federal Land Management Sub-Committee fee, which is not being charged for 2023. There was a modest increase in the membership fee of about $460.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the payment of Association of Oregon Counties membership dues for $18,710.23. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       None


7.      Ratification of Documents

a.          Financial Reports: C64, C66, and C68.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the aforementioned financial reports. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.      Other Business:

a.          Commissioner Update:

·         Commissioner Alderson thanked everyone for the easy transition into his position, he is looking forward to working with everyone for the next four years.

·         Commissioner Witham reported attending the Baker Sage Grouse Local Implementation Team (LIT) winter quarterly meeting where she became a voting member.

·         Commissioner Nichols reported attending a Museum Commission meeting regarding changes in their policies and procedure. He also attended a New Directions Mental Health Advisory Committee meeting. The committee has a vacancy that needs to be filled by a county staff person or elected official. Since the committee focuses on mental and physical health in Baker County and is not required to be a commissioner, he would like to discuss the opening with the Health Director, Meghan Chancey.

He received an email regarding the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Recycling Modernization Act. They do not have all the rules yet, but he plans to contact Baker Sanitary to discuss it.


b.         Comparison of Calendar: There will be a Work Session January 4th and a Department Head & Elected Official meeting January 11th.

9.   Adjournment

The January 4, 2023 Commission Session adjourned at 10:05 A.M.




Respectfully Submitted,




Erin Linan

Management Assistant