Commission Session Minutes






The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the August 3, 2022 Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Bill Harvey, Commissioner Mark E. Bennett, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Harvey called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.      Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       None

Commissioner Bennett moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3.      Citizen’s Participation

a.       None


4.      Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       July 20, 2022 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the July 20, 2022 Commission Session Minutes as presented. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


5.      Scheduled Business

a.       Public Hearing

Ordinance No. 2022-04: An Ordinance Declaring a Ban on Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within Unincorporated Baker County; Referral to Electors.

Commissioner Harvey opened the public hearing for Ordinance No. 2022-04: An Ordinance Declaring a Ban on Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within Unincorporated Baker County; Referral to Electors


Kim Mosier reported changes to the ballot title that will go to the clerk’s office noting changes to language and the addition of a yes/no statement to the ballot title.

Commissioner Harvey asked for testimony in favor of the ordinance that would ban psilocybin product manufacturers and psilocybin service center operators within Unincorporated Baker County. Ms. Heidi Martin reported that one email had been received in favor of the ordinance. No other testimony was received at this time.

Commissioner Harvey asked for testimony in opposition of the ordinance. Ms. Heidi Martin reported that an email was received in opposition of the ordinance. No other testimony was received at this time.


Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the final reading and adopt by title only, Ordinance No. 2022-04: An Ordinance Declaring a Ban on Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within Unincorporated Baker County; Referral to Electors. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.




Public Hearing

Ordinance No. 2022-02: An Ordinance Declaring a Ban on Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within the City of Unity; Referral to Electors:

Commissioner Harvey opened the public hearing for Ordinance No. 2022-02: An Ordinance Declaring a Ban on Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within the City of Unity; Referral to Electors

Kim Mosier reported the same changes to the ballot title for the City of Unity that will go to the clerk’s office noting changes to language and the addition of a yes/no statement to the ballot title. Ms. Mosier noted that she reviewed the City charter noting that they are able to approve the ordinance after the two readings.

Commissioner Harvey asked for testimony in favor of the ordinance that would ban psilocybin product manufacturers and psilocybin service center operators within the City of Unity. There was none in person or online.

Commissioner Harvey asked for testimony in opposition of the ordinance that would ban psilocybin product manufacturers and psilocybin service center operators within the City of Unity. There was none in person or online.

Commissioner Nichols explained that the Board of Commissioners is acting as City Council of Unity. Commissioner Harvey noted that Mayor Bennett is present. Commissioner Bennett noted that he posted the ordinance throughout the City of Unity and he had not received any comments in favor or against the ordinance.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the final reading and adopt by title only, Ordinance No. 2022-02: An Ordinance Declaring a Ban on Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within the City of Unity; Referral to Electors.  Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      Contract Review Board

1.      Jail: Professional Services Agreement with Korey Ham, N.P., for Jail Medical Services.

This is a renewal agreement with Mr. Ham for jail medical services for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 for an amount of $1,300 per month.


Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Corey Ham, N.P for Jail Medical Services. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

2.      Dispatch: Vehicle Purchase Approval

Sergeant Eric Colton of the Baker County Sheriff’s office was present to discuss the bids for a 4-wheel drive SUV for the Baker County Dispatch Center. He reported that they received 4 bids. Sargent Colton reported their recommendation is the low bid received from Kendall Toyota in Bend, OR. He also noted they were pleased with the mileage on the vehicle as well.   

Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the purchase of the Toyota Rav4 from Kendall Toyota for $31,498.65. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


3.      Health Dept.: Professional Services Agreement with Monte Anderson, PA-C. for Mid-Level Services at the School Based Health Center.:

This is a renewal agreement for the period of August 15, 2022 through June 8, 2023 and shall pay the provider $60.00 per hour for the term of the agreement.


Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Monte Anderson. PA-C.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


4.      Commissioner:  Option Agreement & Agreement of Purchase & Sale of Wards’ Property:

Commissioner Harvey reported that this is the final copy of the option agreement that was prepared by our attorneys and signed by the property owners. He noted that this is a 5 year option to purchase at $72,500 per year until the contract is paid off.

It was discussed that in this 5 year period they are able to search for additional funding to pay for the property. It was also discussed that the annual payment funds will be used from Economic Development Committee and Transient Lodging Tax dollars. Commissioner Nichols explained his concerns if they are unable to find the lump sum of funds after the option agreement expires. Commissioner Bennett noted the risk, but acknowledged that there are several safeguards.

Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the Option Agreement and Agreement of Purchase & Sale between the Ward Family and Baker County.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


c.       Public Hearing

Emergency Small Business & Micro-Enterprise Assistance Grant Program #SB2003 ~ Lisa Dawson


Ms. Lisa Dawson from North Eastern Oregon Economic Development District reported she is present to close out of the grant that provided supplemental income to those businesses impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.  This came up early, but funding came later and by the time the funds were awarded, there were several other program already in place.  This award was very difficult to get out to businesses.  They had to prove losses and provide documentation that showed a decline in revenue.  They were also required to be low to moderate income businesses or employing individuals who earned less than $36,000. She explained they received several applications, and awarded 12 businesses.  She explained that 10 of those businesses were in Baker City, 1 in Haines, and 1 in Richland. Of those businesses 6 were employers, 6 micro-entrepreneurs

Commissioner Harvey opened the public hearing for testimony. He requested testimony about the program. There was none, in favor or opposed.

She reported that the grant is in the process of being closed out. She noted the final day is around the 12th or 13th of August. She also reported that they do not have any applications in tprocess. She explained that the final paperwork will be submitted and the county will not receive those leftover funds.  She noted that they received the funds based on request when applications were awarded, so they do not have to return any funds.


Commissioner Bennett questioned if there was any opportunity for re-direction. Ms. Dawson explained that there is not an opportunity for re-direction and the sidebars are very strict for this grant through business Oregon Community Development block grant.  They have additional COVID-related funding that will go back into that pool.


Commissioner Nichols reported that many businesses didn’t want to disclose their income.  He noted that it was a difficult program to get the money out and so many rules excluded most people. He explained he was surprised they were able to award much as they did. He suspects that if other funding had not been available, this would have been used.  Ms. Dawson reported that they had applicants who would have qualified had they not received other money. 


Commissioner Harvey closed out the public hearing for Emergency Small Business & Micro-Enterprise Assistance Grant Program #SB2003.


Broadband Update:

Ms. Dawson also gave an update on broadband. She reported that Faster Internet Oregon is a collaborative effort around the state to get individuals to register their internet speed at home.   She explained that the goal is to find out places not being served well.  To that end, there is a website at www. which will do a speed test.  If you don’t have internet at home and can get to the site, you can still document if it is unavailable or slow.  She also explained that they accept phone calls.


Commissioner Bennett expressed interest in partnering to help get the information out to individuals. Ms. Dawson reported that they are going to do a door direct mailing. She expects the cost to be $3,451.00, noting half would be $1725.00.  


Commissioner Bennett moved to dedicate $2500 of American Rescue Plan funding to support the outreach to bring faster and affordable internet to the County.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


Grant Writing Assistance:

Ms. Dawson also reported that in the 2021 legislature, the State awarded funding for Economic Development Districts to do grant writing for cities under population of 2,500 and for counties under 15,000 in population.  Many communities in Baker County quality for this service.  She explained that NEOEDD can help with grant writing and grant administration for those communities for projects that can compete for federal funding. She explained that part of goal is to make sure they can access additional federal funds that are coming out. She explained they are working on getting press and information out to those communities, but if the County knows of someone who needs assistance with grant writing, send them her way.  The commissioners briefly noted they believe each of the small cities has some sort of project underway. Commissioner Bennett questioned how soon they would be ready. Ms. Dawson explained that they should be ready to help in about a week. She noted they can also assist before they apply for grants or if they need help getting organized. She reported that there is a limited amount on how much they can take on all at once.


Commissioner Harvey noted his appreciation for Ms. Dawson’s effort in reaching out to these communities. 

6.      Documents to be Signed


a.       Baker County Weed Advisory Board Bylaws:

Commissioner Harvey reported that the Weed District Board has made changes and has recommended approval by the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Bennett noted that there were some citizen concerns and questioned if they had been addressed. Commissioner Harvey confirmed that the concerns were discussed and addressed.

Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the Baker County Weed Advisory Board Bylaws. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      Order No. 2022-133: Designating a Newspaper for Publication of the Annual Foreclosure of the Tax Liens as Shown by the Baker County Foreclosure List.  The Order lists the Baker City Herald as the newspaper of record. 

Commissioner Bennett moved to approve Order No. 2022-133.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

c.       Resolution No. 2022-1016: Transfer within the Juvenile Department of the County General Fund. It was noted that this is a transfer in the amount of $58,000 from the General Fund to the Juvenile Department to help cover the costs of juvenile care expense (detention).

Commissioner Bennett moved to approve Resolution No. 2022-1016: Transfer within the Juvenile Department of the County General Fund. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.



7.      Ratification of Documents


a.       Financial Reports: C19, C17, C18, C20, C24, C21, C47, C44, C45, June Treasurer’s Report and the June Revenue Expenditure report

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the aforementioned financial reports. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried.



8.      Other Business:

a.       Commissioner Update:

·         Commissioner Bennett reported that the Oregon State University at the direction of Oregon Department of Forestry prepared a state Wildfire risk map. Approximately four months ago Commissioner Bennett notified them that he didn’t think the process would meet the needs of the public. He noted they were assured that there would be additional opportunities for changes and input. Contrary to that, Oregon Department of Forestry has moved ahead with the map as it is. Commissioner Bennett noted that there are a lot of errors and expressed the need for refinement.  He noted meetings with Senator Finley and Representative Owens on the process and the issues. He also explained that he would be having a conference call with Governor Brown as she can direct the Department of Forestry. He explained how this map can affect landowner insurance premiums and gave example of his own home where they pulled insurance because it was too much of a risk to insure a log home. 


Commissioner Nash of Harney County will gather concerns from landowners. Commissioner Bennett suggested pulling it back and letting the County Planning Departments review it.   Commissioner Nichols noted the mess that has been coming from the State of Oregon as they are releasing several plans prior to developing any rules.


Commissioner Bennett explained that he told them that they are following the same path as the travel management plan disaster with the Forest Service, noting it was extremely flawed and problematic. 


Commissioner Bennett met with one of the commissioners form Malheur County who said they would like to continue working with us on the environmental health.  Craig Geddes is leaving Malheur County said they are trying to figure out something to help with their budget.  It will cost about an additional $25,000 to continue, but we need to discuss how to pay for the increase. Commissioner Bennett explained that he may attend one of the Malheur County Commission sessions.

Commissioner Bennett addressed a recent Health Department incident and noted that Meghan Chancey has worked with Ms. Martin and Ms. Kerns on developing a new policy regarding presentations requested by the public.  He noted that he and Ms. Chancey would be meeting again with the concerned individuals to explain the new process and safeguards to prevent an incident like this happening again.


·         Commissioner Nichols reported that he attended a museum meeting on August 2, 2022. He explained that they are moving things around in the museum, including the meeting room.  They temporarily met at the Adler House for their meeting, but noted they may meet at the OTEC building in the future. He reported that the Museum is doing well and there have been several group tours this summer.  

·         Commissioner Harvey gave an update on the Park. He reported that the Planning Department approved their application to build a storage room.  He is working with the Road Dept. to prepare for the new building.  He will be working out at the Park on this project throughout this summer and fall.   

b.      Comparison of Calendar:

9.   Adjournment

The August 3, 2022 Commission Session adjourned at 10:45 a.m.     



Respectfully Submitted,




Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator